Morgonn McMichael
4 min readNov 3, 2021

When it comes to the social issue of abortion rights and individuals being Pro-Choice vs. Pro-Life there is a lot of grey areas and the question arises of when life starts which neither side can seem to agree on even though it is basic biology. What defines life? When does life start? Here we will answer these questions but lets start by discussing the term “life”.


Merriam Webster defines “life” as “the quality that distinguishes a vital and functional being from a dead body, a principle or force that is considered to underlie the distinctive quality of animate beings, an organismic state characterized by capacity for metabolism growth, reaction to stimuli, and reproduction.”

By this definition life begins at fertilization with the embryo’s conception. The embryo is alive and growing from fertilization up until birth. Even after birth development continues. Additionally at the moment fertilization occurs the entire genetic makeup is created along with child’s sex, eye color, and many other unique traits. Furthering the legitimization that even at one week that embryo is a life, a pre-born child.


With the knowledge that an in utero child is indeed a living and developing human being, a Homo sapien organism with it’s own unique genetic code, it can easily be concluded that abortion is the unjust killing of an innocent human life. Keeping this in mind, lets examine some facts about the evil of abortion in America since it became a legally and socially accepted practice many decades ago.


Since 1973 over 60 MILLION lives have been lost due to abortion. Under federal law preborn babies can be aborted up until birth. 2,363 preborn babies will die in America today. These abortions conducted includes surgical and medical. In the year 1990 alone 1.6 Million abortions were conducted.


Planned Parenthood is Americas number one abortion provider. Which was founded by Margaret Sanger. Sanger is a known eugenicist from Brooklyn NY. Her main goal was to eradicate African American citizens. Sanger targeted the black population through her most popular “Negro Project,” calling African American citizens “reckless breeders” and “human weeds.” Did you know that black preborn babies are three times more likely to be aborted. In 2016 New York City had more African American babies aborted than born. While Planned Parenthood says they offer other women’s health benefits this is just on the surface and not behind the scenes not to mention the cover up of child sex trafficking. A study conducted by Live Action Organization going undercover found the cover up of children being sex trafficked in seven cities around the US currently. In Charlottesville, Virginia Live Action found a man who identified as a pimp “seeks assistance for getting abortions, STD testing, and birth control for girls he “manages” as sex workers, who are from out of the country and as young as 14 to 15 years old.” This is in just one location now put that into perspective for all locations. Additionally Planned Parenthood promotes late term abortions while also not going into detail on how the abortions are conducted.


On September 28, 2000 the FDA approved the “abortion pill” which is used for early term abortions in a non surgical manner in the US. The abortion pill is a two step process the first being Mifepristone which chemically starves the preborn child. Two days later the woman then takes the second pill which is Misoprostol which forces the woman to have contractions forcing the preborn child to be delivered as a still birth. In 2016 the FDA extended the time women can take the pill from up to seven weeks to now 10 weeks. Since FDA approval nearly four million preborn babies have been aborted.

These are just a few facts chosen to expose the abortion industry and roots of Planned Parenthood of many.


Upon any early level of biological knowledge we can determine that from the point of conception, a new human life is formed; and with the previously stated facts, we can see just how widespread the atrocity abortion is in American Society.

So why do we see such contention from pro-choice activists on this basic scientific fact?

The simple answer is that the contention is simply false, or at the very least dishonest. With the knowledge of science and facts a person cannot legitimately argue that an pre-born child is not alive, or not a life. Pro-choice activists are aware of the humanity of the children who’s unjust deaths they champion, they know that what they’re fighting for is murderous.

For this reason, they simply must utilize these justifications in an effort to artificially absolve themselves of the inhumanity of their activism. They will spout unscientific nonsense like “it’s a clump of cells,” or “my body my choice,” because these are the lies that they must tell themselves and the people around them to justify their support for killing the pre born. In truth, they do not possess the willpower or morality to hold an innocent human life to a higher value than their own convenience, and insatiable urge for unprotected, promiscuous sex, and the culture of self worship that we have allowed to propagate in our society condones it.



Morgonn McMichael

Morgonn is a Christian Conservative with a mission to inspire the next generation of free thinking patriots! Come dive a little deeper from Morgonn’s Minute!