Morgonn McMichael
3 min readNov 17, 2021


Many of you like me, a 22 year old or younger college conservative or maybe you’re a parent with kids in college or high school. Being a outspoken conservative or even more reserved in todays world can be hard. Trust me I know, I grew up in the Silicon Valley in Commiefornia I mean California.

Anyways its tough out there not knowing how to handle when your teachers are indoctrinating a lecture or simply speaking with your peers about whats going on in our country. Here I am going to give you a few tips to help you stand your ground, share the truth and not feel like you are committing social suicide in fear of being canceled. We all know how toxic cancel culture can be so we are going to avoid that


There are many like minded organizations around the country on college and high school campuses like Turning Point USA, Today is America, and Young Americas Foundation, College Republicans, Young Conservatives & many more. This is where you can create your inner circle or just another circle of friends. Whether you’re outspoken or not all of these student organizations benefit you. When apart of a student organization like these there are leadership opportunities that will help you grow as a person. They even have guest speakers all year long! Being apart of TPUSA at my university has given me the opportunity to meet other like minded individuals, engage in healthy debates, be a leader, and see some of the most amazing speakers in the conservative movement. It is crucial to surround yourself with other freethinkers like you! It’s tough when you feel alone & don't know who to turn to!


Be the one to ask your professors, fellow students & friends the questions. The more questions you ask the more perspective you will see on what they know about the topic you're discussing and can see where they are coming from. My most productive political conversations & debates have stemmed from me asking thought provoking questions to see the core of the other persons beliefs. Questions are the key! After gathering the other persons perspective you are now more able to guide the conversation to add in your input. Keep in mind that conversations on hot topics can sometimes get heated but ALWAYS keep your cool. If you present facts and the truth while staying cool, calm and collected your conversation will be productive, and you never know you my agree or maybe disagree or even learn something from one another! Just always stick to the FACTS!


I’m not saying get into arguments or debates with everyone. We are all passionate about some topic but ask yourself, is it really the best situation to engage in a discussion? Is this the time to have a conversation with that person? Time and place is important! Not everyone is even interested in hearing what you have to say I've learned that one the hard way. The best solution if it isn't the right time and you want to talk more is just ask if they would want to meet to have a conversation! If it is a good time then use tip two and you may be surprised with the outcome of how the conversations go. But most Importantly be the one to keep your cool


The left can be really loud and seem to dominate on social media but the key in the conservative movement is conversations. By talking to your peers and bringing light to what is going on in the country this is fostering healthy dialogue and meaningful conversations. Now not everyone is comfortable sharing on social media or talking with people on politics but if you even just have one person to talk to and have discussions its doing something. The reason we are in this hyper polarized political state is because of the lack of civil discussions.

Throughout the last four years while being in college I have found my voice and it was not easy. I know I wouldn’t have been able to get through without these little tips. I hope these help you like they have me!



Morgonn McMichael

Morgonn is a Christian Conservative with a mission to inspire the next generation of free thinking patriots! Come dive a little deeper from Morgonn’s Minute!